One word substitution | List & MCQ Exercise

One word substitution List

Substitution Related To Persons
One word Bengali Meaning Explanation
Archaeologist প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক one who is interested in ancient building and relics.
Astrologer জ্যোতিষী one who foretells thing by the stars.
Astronomer জ্যোতির্বিদ one who studies heavenly bodies.
Auctioneer নিলামকারী one who sells things at public auction.
Colleague সহকর্মী A person working in the same place with another.
Drover ড্রভার one who deals in cattle.
Epicurean - One whose attitude is eat, drink and be merry.
Jockey অশ্বব্যবসায়ী One versed in horsemanship
Philatelist ডাকটিকেট সংগ্রহকারী A person who collects stamps.
Patriot দেশপ্রেমিক One who loves his country
Traitor বিশ্বাসঘাতক a person who does not love this country.
Martyr শহীদ One who sacrifice life for a noble cause.
Emigrant, Expatriate প্রবাসী a person leaving his native country to settle there.
Immigrant অভিবাসী A person coming to a foreign land to settle there.
Alien/ Foreigner বিদেশী a person residing in a foreign country.
Philanthropist দানকারী One who loves mankind.
Misanthropist মনুষ্যদ্বেষী a person who hates mankind a hater of mankind.
Misogynist নারীবিদ্বেষী A man who hates women.
Feminist নারীবাদী one who works for the welfare of women.
Imposter - one who pretends to be what he is not.
Contemporary সমসাময়িক A person living at the same time with another.
Predecessor পূর্বসূরি A person who was before anoher person.
Successor উত্তরাধিকারী one who comes to be after another.
Somnambulist - ones who walks in sleep.
Insolvent, Bankrupt দেউলিয়া A person unable to pay debts.
Optimist আশাবাদী A person looking only to the bright side of things.
Usurer সুদখোর one who lends money at a very high interest.
Janitor তত্ত্বাবধায়ক one who takes care of building.
Pedestrian পথচারী One who goes on foot.
Author লেখক one who writes books.
Anthropologist নৃবিজ্ঞানী one who studies the evolution of mankind.
Butcher কসাই One who sells meat.
Beggar ভিক্ষুক One who lives on alms.
Carpenter কাঠমিস্ত্রি One who makes furniture.
Compositor সুরকার One who sets types in a priming press.
Palmist গণক One who reads the palm.
Fishmonger - One who deals in fish.
Funambulist রজ্জুনর্তক One who walks on ropes.
Journalist সাংবাদিক One who writes for the newspaper.
Mimic নকল One who imitates the voice, gestures etc, or another.
Pilot বিমানচালক One who files an aeroplane.
Potter কুমার One who ales earthen posts
Porter কুলি One who carries burden for hire
Surgeon শল্যচিকিৎসক One who treat diseases by operation.
Wheel Wright চাকা ও চাকাওয়ালা গাড়ির প্রস্তুতকারক One who makes wheels for carriages and carts
Librarian গ্রন্থাগারিক a person in charge of a library.
Mayor নগরাধ্যক্ষ the head of a town council or corporation.
Archer তীরন্দাজ One who shoots with bows and arrows
Exiled নির্বাসিত One who is hanished from his own country.
Extravagant অসংযত One who spends lavishly One wire foretells events.
Prophet নবীজি One who foretells events
Refugee শরণার্থী One who takes refuge in a foreign country.
Diplomat ‍কূটনীতিক One who is skilled in dealing with people in business/politics.
Ambassador রাষ্ট্রদুত One who is a diplomat of a government in other country
Ambassador রাষ্ট্রদুত A political representative of the highest order from one country to another
Reticent স্বল্পভাষী A person who is reserved in speech.
Prostitute বেশ্যা A woman who sells her body for money
Philanderer প্রেমিক A person who makes insincere love
Cartographer মানচিত্রকার One who draws maps [process of making maps ]
Cobbler মুচি A person who mends shoes
Plumber সীসককর্মকার-/গ্যাস প্রভৃতির নলওয়ালা One who mends water pipes
Sculptor ভাস্কর One who carves on stone/ makes statues using clay
Architect স্থপতি Someone who designs house
Geologist ভূতাত্ত্বিক One who studies rocks and soils/the formation of earth
Meteorologist আবহাওয়াবিদ One who studies meteorology
Lexicographer অভিধানকার A person who writes / complies / edits dictionary
Linguist ভাষাবিদ A person who is skilled in foreign languages
Novelist উপন্যাসিক One who writes novel
Playwright নাট্যকার A person who writes plays
Stenographer শ্রুতিলেখক A Person Who Writes Shorthand
Curater অধ্যক্ষ A person in charge of a museum
Malingerer রোগভানকারী One who pretends illness to escape duty
Cosmopolitan বিশ্বজনীন One who is the citizen of the world.
Omniscient সর্বজ্ঞ One who knows or sees everything/has unlimited knowledge
Omnipotent সর্বশক্তিমান One who is all-powerful (all mighty, superme)
Substitution Related To Religious Terms
One word Bengali Meaning Explanation
Blasphemy ধর্মনিন্দা lack of respect to God and religion.
Monotheism একেশ্বরবাদ belief in only one/single god
Pantheism সর্বেশ্বরবাদ belief in all gods. / Belief that god exist in all natural things.
Theist আস্তিক One who believes in the existence of god
Atheist নাস্তিক One who dose not believe in god
Monotheist একেশ্বরবাদী One who believes in one god
Polytheist মুশরিক One who believes in many gods & goddesses
Pantheist সর্বদেবতার উপাসনা One who believes in many / all gods & goddesses
Renegade ধর্মত্যাগী One who gives up religious faith.
Infidel কাফের A disbeliever in religion
Bigotry/Fanaticism গোঁড়ামি / ধর্মান্ধতা Religious intolerance/ narrow religious views.
Iconoclasm মূর্তিভঙ্গ Breaking of religious or social images.
Pilgrim তীর্থযাত্রী A person who undertakes a journey to a holy place (যিনি pilgrim বা তীর্থযাত্রী তিনি কোনো পবিত্র স্থানে বা holy place-এর দিকে যাত্রা করেন।)
Pulpit মিম্বার The platform from where a priest delivers his lecture
Idolatry মূর্তিপূজা Worshipping idols/images
Iconoclast প্রতিমাভঙ্গকারী one who breaks idols/images
Scripture ধর্মগ্রন্থ The holy books / writings of a particular religion.
Substitution Related To Animals (Eating Nature)
One word Bengali Meaning Explanation
Amphibians উভচর প্রাণী Animals living in both land and water.
Aquatic animals জলজ প্রাণী Animals living in water.
Cannibals নরখাদক A person who eats human flesh.
Mammals স্তন্যপায়ী প্রাণী Animals sucking their mother's breast.
Carnivorous animals মাংসাশী প্রাণী Animal that eats flesh of other animals.
Graminivorous animals গ্রামীণোভোরস প্রাণী Animals living on grass , Animals living on only plants / herbs / grass (harvivore)
Herbivorous animals ভেষজজীবী প্রাণী An animal that lives on grass
Omnivorous animals সর্বস্বাসী প্রাণী One who eats everything
Vegetarian animals নিরামিষাশী প্রাণী A person who eats only vegetable
Substitution Related To Literary Terms
One word Bengali Meaning Explanation
Autobiography আত্মজীবনী Writing of one's own life story
Biography জীবনী The life account of a person
Diary ডায়েরি/ দিনলিপি A book in which the events of each day are recorded
Bibliography গ্রন্থাগার A list or collection of books
Agenda আলোচ্যসূচি A list of the topics to be discussed at a meeting
Episode পর্ব An incident in a series of incidents
Epitaph সমাধিস্তম্ভে উৎকীর্ণ লিপি Words inscribed on a tomb
Ledger খতের বহি A book of accounts showing debits and credits
A maiden speech একট প্রথম বক্তৃতা First speech
A verhose speech A speech full of too many words
Extempore উপস্থিতমত উক্ত বা রচিত A speech made without previous preparation
Directory নির্দেশক A book containing names and addresses of the persons
Dictionary অভিধান A book that cosists of an alphabetical list of the words
Glossary শব্দকোষ A list of special or technical words with definitions
Encyclopaedia বিশ্বকোষ A book containing information of all subjects
Substitution Related To Killing / Murder
One word Bengali Meaning Explanation
Suicide আত্মহত্যা Killing of oneself
Homicide নরহত্যা Murderer or muder of man
Infanticide শিশু হত্যা Murderer or muder of an infant/child
Patricide পিতৃহত্যা Murderer or muder of a father
Matricide মাতৃহত্যা Murderer or muder of a mother
Fratricide ভাতৃ বা ভগিনীহত্যা Murderer or muder of brother
Substitution Related To Marriage
One word Bengali Meaning Explanation
Monogamy একত্রীকরণ The practice of keeping one wife or husband
Polygamy বহুবিবাহ The practice of keeping many wives or having more than one spouse at the same time
Dowry যৌতুক Cash or kind given by the parents of the brideto the bridegroom and his relatives
Spinster চিরকুমারী A women who has never been married
Widow বিধবা Wife whose husband has died
Widower বিপত্নীক A man whose wife has died
Place Relating To Dwelling/Keeping/Production/ Confinement Etc.
One word Bengali Meaning Explanation
Den গুহা The lying place of the wild beasts
Aquarium মাছের চৌবাচ্চা A place where fishes are kept
Orphanage এতিমখানা A place where orphans are housed
Orchard ফলের বাগান A place where fruits are grown
Hangar বিমান থাকিবার স্থান A place for keeping aeroplanes
Substitution Related To Government Systems.
One word Bengali Meaning Explanation
Autonomy স্বায়ত্তশাসন The right of independent self - government
Democracy গণতন্ত্র A government of the people, bythe people and for the people.
Monarchy রাজতন্ত্র A government by a king.
Dictatorship স্বৈরাচার A government by one man who is all powerful
Oligarchy গোষ্ঠীশাসন A government by a few/ a small group of people
Bureaucracy আমলাতন্ত্র A government by officials
Autocracy স্বৈরাচার A government by one man.
Plutocracy ধনতন্ত্র
Aristocracy অভিজাততন্ত্র A governament by the nobles.
Pantisocracy A government in which all rule equally
Theocracy ধর্মতন্ত্র A government by the divine guidance (church authorities)
Secular ধর্ম নিরপেক্ষ A state where all religions are respected in nature.
Diplomacy কূটনীতি The art practiced by the statemsen
Meritocracy মেধাতন্ত্র
Rebellion বিদ্রোহ An armed rising against a government
Revolt বিদ্রোহ General uprising against the government
Sovereignty সার্বভৌমত্ব The supreme power of a state.
Mutiny বিদ্রোহ Revolt against a lawful authority.
Coup অভ্যুত্থান A sudden, violent and illegal seizure / taking of power from government especially by (part of) an army

বিভিন্ন প্রতিযোগিতামূলক পরীক্ষার প্রশ্নোত্তর

বিভিন্ন প্রতিযোগিতামূলক পরীক্ষার প্রশ্নসমূহ পড়তে ও পরীক্ষা দিতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

নবীনতর পূর্বতন